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Wills & End-of-Life Instructions

When you do not make arrangements ahead of time for the person who you want to take care of your affairs when you leave this world, your family might have to incur more expenses in other to address this issue.

If you do not give details of how you want your estate will to be managed and how the properties are to be shared, then the government will do it on your behalf. However, it might not be done the way you would have wanted it done.

We can work with you and help you devise a plan and provide the necessary documents that will help ease your loved ones from some of the stress and grief that will result from you passing, and this will also keep you at peace when you know that you have taken care all these issues properly.


Powers of Attorney

The Substitutes Decisions Act and the Health Care Consent Act determines who will handle your financial matters and related concerns in Ontario, Canada. There is a high chance that you won't be pleased with the decision that determined by these Acts. You need to take these matters into your own hands and make this decision for yourself. You can achieve this by working with us to guarantee that you have properly made preparations and have signed the documents for Power of Attorney for Property and Power of Attorney for Personal Care.


Do you currently own a business in Ontario, or are you thinking about establishing a new business? We can help guide you through the various considerations and tasks to help you accomplish your business goals, and manage all legal requirements along the way.

Real Estate

Buying a house may be the single most expensive decision that you'll ever make in your life. Contact us so that we can help you through this process. We can help you draw up the purchase agreement contract and help you get all the legal documentation that is required.

Estate Law

At the point when the time comes for you to start managing the Estate of a friend or family member, get in touch with us so that we can help you get through the difficulties of this daunting task. We are well experienced with guiding Estate Executors, of which majority of them have never needed to do such a job before. We will guide you through all of the assignments that you are required to do, we'll help you meet all the legal obligations, your responsibilities to Revenue Canada and others, and we will also assist you in managing the expectations of the beneficiaries.


Girvin is proud to offer friendly, professional, and quality legal service to Peterborough and the surrounding region for over 40 years.

(705) 742-5471

© 2024 H. Girvin Devitt


The information provided on this website is not intended to be, nor is it, legal advice. You should not consider this information to be an invitation for a lawyer-client relationship and should not rely on the information provided as legal advice. Do not take any legal action based upon any materials found on this website, and do not take legal action without first consulting with a lawyer of competent legal counsel in your province or jurisdiction.  You are welcome to contact us; however, contacting us will not establish a lawyer-client relationship without a clear retainer agreement. Please do not send any confidential information or materials to us until such time as a lawyer-client relationship has been established.

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